Low Capital, High Impact, Data-driven Recommendations for Improved Waterflood Performance.

Asset managers and production teams are continuously looking to optimize waterflood, but the typical process for operational decisions is tedious and time-consuming because reservoir dynamics and subsurface networks are complex. QRI, the world's foremost experts in waterflood—efficiency and recovery—brings you SpeedWise® Waterflood Management (SWM®—pronounced “swim”), a cloud-native SaaS solution that combines the fundamentals of subsurface flow physics with advanced data-driven techniques to quickly build waterflood models based on available geologic, completion and production data.
Reduce OPEX. Increase production.
SWM combines both physics and data-driven modeling for large fields with multiple decades of production history. Unlike a full physics numerical simulation model, which doesn’t address the waterflood problem, SWM focuses ONLY on the waterflood problem, saving many hours of computational power on unrelated properties. Models are typically built in hours—ready for full-field surveillance and optimization. SWM is a flexible platform capable of guiding daily production operations through fast production forecasts and optimization of both existing wells and new drills. This directly translates to improved capital efficiency and OPEX reduction in mature waterfloods.

SpeedWise® Waterflood Management Features
- Patented reduced-physics, data-driven approach for fast and accurate reservoir modeling.
- Physics models include gravity and compressibility effects, fractured and faulted reservoirs.
- Proprietary optimization algorithms for automated history-matching and performance optimization.
- Scalable cloud architecture for real-time model update and production forecast and optimization.
- Robust model uncertainty quantification.
- Workspace/case management: Allows users to manage/access projects and define or view cases. Users can specify project collaborators.
- Results for each case can be interactively visualized by users. Users can share results with collaborators, vet opportunities, and export results in various formats.

The SML Workflow. SML has provided waterflood surveillance and guidance for over 500,000 B/D (including Iraq, Kuwait, Mexico, US, China, Colombia, UAE, and others).
*SpeedWise Waterflood Management patent no. 10,458,207